NCCOAD Activated in Response to COVID 19


The Noble County Community Organizations Active in Disaster (NCCOAD) works in collaboration with state and national disaster response organizations, Emergency Management and The Department of Homeland Security. NCCOAD includes representatives from nonprofits, churches, the Community Foundation of Noble County and other organizations who have been collaborating to plan for emergency situations such as this for the past seven years.

As many have asked how they can help, the NCCOAD is officially activating in response to the COVID 19 emergency. The fiscal agent of the NCCOAD is the Community Foundation of Noble County. A response fund is now open and receiving funds through the Community Foundation. These funds will be designated to support nonprofits and qualified agents who are working to assist Noble County residents impacted by the COVID 19 cascade of events.

The funds will be designated for food and other unmet needs to support the agencies working on the frontline; specifically items such as liquid hand soap, disinfecting supplies, and other expenses associated with new needs related to childcare in light of daycares and schools being closed during the emergency. In short, those items helping agencies continue to stay open and assist directly while maintaining the safety of all. Agencies applying for assistance must provide proof of a valid nonprofit status.

To make a tax-deductible donation please go to the following link: Once there, click the box next to “I would like to designate this donation to a specific fund” and choose NCCOAD (NC Community Organizations Active in Disaster) Fund.

About CCOAD:
Questions regarding this fund may be directed to the Community Foundation of Noble County at 260-894-3335. Questions related to the NCCOAD may be directed to the Noble County Emergency Management Office at 260-636-2938. Emails may be directed to