Scholarship Applications Online!

The Noble County Community Foundation scholarship application is now available on the community foundation’s website at (click on the ‘scholarship’ tab then click on ‘scholarship application’). The deadline for the scholarship application, transcripts and 3 recommendation forms is Thursday, January 23, 2014 by 4:30 pm.

There is only 1 application to complete for several different scholarships. Please read the scholarship criteria on the application to find out what scholarships you may qualify for. Each scholarship is unique. There are scholarships for high school seniors, Noble County residents and adult and college students. Be sure to read the Frequently Asked Questions page on the website also.

A few scholarships require financial aid information from the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) form. The deadline to turn in this information to the community foundation is March 13, 2014.

Remember the deadline to turn in scholarship applications, transcripts and recommendation forms is Thursday, January 23, 2014 by 4:30 pm. It is best to complete your application early and turn it in directly to the community foundation before the deadline date.

If you have any questions regarding the application you can email Jennifer at the community foundation at or call 260-894-3335 Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

11-12-13 Day of Giving Online and Photo Contest Guidelines

The Noble County Community Foundation launching it fist ever online fundraiser, November 12, 2013 day of giving and we need your help!

Our new online giving platform, found at makes it easy for community members to support their favorite local causes. The updated site also has detailed descriptions on what each fund is about. We will continue to accept check and cash donations throughout the year, but by 2015 hope to see 15% of donations come from online.

As the fundraiser gives donors the opportunity to give directly to your fund, we would encourage you to reach out to your contacts via email and social media to inform them of the 11-12-13 day of giving. If your fund has a social media site,we hope you will join us in the #111213give! conversation and get involved with the dialogue!

Giving online is safe and easy, simply visit and click on the Noble County Gives tab. From there visitors can find your fund and make a donation directly to your account.

Earn additional funds for your cause

via Facebook!
Send us a photo that represents what your endowment fund does in the community and we will post it on Facebook. If your photo receives the most likes by November 12, 2013 at 8pm est., your fund will win a cash prize which will be added to your endowment fund. All photos must be submitted

to and/or before October 25, 2013. A complete list of competition rules follows.

We will follow up with some special promotional items you can use

to help spread the word to your contacts. In the mean time, please don’t hesitate to reach us with any questions. We hope you will get on board with 11-12-13 and more importantly we hope this campaign helps put dollars into these wonderful community organizations and affiliations.

We believe that many of your donors wish to invest in your organization’s future by adding to your endowment.

11-12-13Day of Giving Online Complete Photo Contest Rules:
All NCCF endowment funds are eligible to enter the 11-12-13 photo contest.
Participating endowment funds should submit no more than one (1) photo to Jennifer Shultz jennifer@Noble and/or Margarita White before Friday October 25, 2013, 4:30 est.
All photos received will be posted November 1, 2013, on the Noble County Community Foundation’s, Inc. Facebook Fan page in an album titled 11-12-13 Photo Competition.
The photo which receives the most likes on the Noble County Community Foundation’s, Inc. Facebook Fan Page by November 12, 2013 8pm est will be declared the winner.
Likes accumulated on pages other than the Noble County Community Foundation Facebook Fan Page will not be included in the competition.
Competition winner(s) will be notified by staff of the Noble County Community Foundation by November 15, 2013.
A cash prize amount (exact amount to be disclosed on October 23, 2013) will be awarded to the fund with the winning photo in the first quarter of 2014.
In the event of a tie, the cash prize will be divided equally amongst winners.
The Noble County Community Foundation, Inc. reserves the right to restrict

inappropriate photos.
Copyright photos will not be eligible in the competition unless that fund has permission to use it.
Only the Noble Count Community Foundation will be allowed to post the photos on its Facebook page. Funds will not be allowed to post directly to the community foundation’s Facebook page.
By submitting a photo you are giving the Noble County Community Foundation the right to use the photo on its media network including but not limited to its website, Facebook, Twitter, etc. accounts as well as print media.
A minimum of 5 participating funds will be needed in order to begin the competition.
Questions regarding the 11-12-13 Facebook Photo Competition should be directed to Jennifer Shultz available at or



















2013 Giver of Gifts Volunteer Recognition

September6, 2013

The Noble County Community Foundation, Inc. invites your organization to participate in the 2013 Givers of Gifts Recognition.

Designed to recognize citizens in Noble County who give of themselves extraordinarily.

The Noble County Community Foundation is seeking your help to identify those special non-profit volunteers in our community that make a difference. We see them making a difference every day! A Season of Thanks will soon be here and we should take the time to reflect on what we are thankful for. As part of saying “Thanks”, we would like to help non-profit organizations say

“Thank You” to a special volunteer.

The Noble County Community Foundation wishes to identify and provide recognition to “everyday” citizens in our community who touch the hearts of others.

We have defined “Giver of Gifts” recipients as any person, regardless of age, who enhances the quality of life of someone in Noble County and/or its citizens, or who give of themselves unselfishly to serve with volunteer acts of service and/or kindness beyond the call of duty to non-profit organizations (“non-profit organizations”

does not necessarily mean the organization must hold a 501 (c) 3 status).

When making its choice, the Board of Selectors will take into account whether the nominee: fulfills a need for the non-profit organization and Noble County, renders a service which changes a life, encourages others to volunteer or works to create positive change for the non-profit organization and Noble County.

Many people in today’s busy society say they either don’t take the time or have the time to give of themselves, and then there are some people who continue to exemplify this unselfish type of giving.

We would like to encourage your non-profit organization to nominate someone for the “GIVERS OF GIFTS” recognition.

Nominations are limited to the first 12 qualified nominees.

PLEASE follow these guidelines when writing the nomination letter:

· Please state the reasons why this person fits the description of a “Giver of Gifts”.

· Please type or write clearly.

· Nominees/volunteers should not be paid volunteers unless their services far exceed their compensation. If your nominee is paid/compensated, please explain why services rendered far exceed the compensation.

· Please note that your narrative should be suitable for a public audience and may be made available to local newspapers.

· It is preferred but not necessary your nominee is within your non-profit organization. A nominee must be nominated by/through an organization, club, etc. (not an individual).

· Nominees recognized in prior years Giver of Gifts recognitions are not eligible to be nominated by the same non-profit organization.

· The nominee and nominating organization must serve Noble County.

· A maximum of 2 nominations (2 people) per organization. Limited to the first 12 qualified nominations.

· Be sure to include the following in your one page nomination letter:

1. Giver of Gifts nominee name, address and day/evening phone number/e-mail.

2. Your name and organization’s name, organization’s address and day/evening phone number/e-mail.

Please feel free to include photocopies of letters, clippings or other materials which might help tell your nominee’s story. Please only send copies.

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Be sure your nomination letter is postmarked, faxed or emailed by the deadline date November 1, 2013 or the first 12 qualified nominations received whichever comes first.

Nomination letters should be sent to:

Noble County Community Foundation, Inc.
Attn: Givers of Gifts
1599 Lincolnway South, Ligonier IN 46767
Fax: 260-894-9020

A short reception will be held at the office of the Noble County Community Foundation to honor the Giver of Gifts recipients on Thursday, December 5, 2013 at 2 p.m.

The Givers of Gifts Recognition is sponsored by Community State Bank.

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Shultz at the Noble County Community Foundation at 260-894-3335 or e-mail at

Write A Will Workshops 2013

“Write a Will” Workshop
Presented by Attorney Douglas Atz
Sponsored by the Noble County Community Foundation

“Where there’s a Will, Attorney Douglas Atz, explains the way…”

Noble County Community Foundation understands that a will is one of the most important documents you will execute during your lifetime. Attorney Doug Atz has continued to volunteer to work with the foundation to share how tremendously important it is to have a will. In the workshop sessions attendees will discover how unique a will can be for families. A will can have a profound effect on the financial well-being of family members, friends and institutions. Discussions during the workshop explain the ‘how to’ gather the information needed to work with a professional and attendees will receive a booklet called Planning Your Will. Attorney Atz explains some of the legal things since they sometimes become mystifying or confusing and sometimes there is information around that is not correct. Doug enjoys the opportunity to clarify and speak on all these legal matters, while promoting awareness about the need to have a will.

Attendees of the “Write a Will” workshop may at the conclusion schedule the actual preparation of
a will by Doug at minimal or no cost to the participant. The actual document will not be prepared on site however attendees can schedule an appointment for a preparation of a will and, for those attendees who choose to include one or more monetary charitable gifts in their estate through the Noble County Community Foundation, will receive a simple will at no cost. The community foundation knows that a simple will allows for the naming of a personal representative for an estate, allows for uncomplicated, direct distributions of assets to a surviving spouse and/or other family members or beneficiaries and follows all applicable state requirements for witnesses and signatures.

Without a will, the laws of the state determine how property
is distributed; removing from consideration an individual’s priorities, commitments or how the person left behind might feel about the outcome. We hope to inspire many Noble County residents to get prepared and get
this important lifetime document completed.

Write A Will Workshops

Tuesday, October 22, 2013 2PM to 4PM Kendallville Public Library Meeting Room A

Wednesday, October 23, 2013 6PM to 8PM Noble County Public Library, Shultz Meeting Room, Albion

Thursday, October 24, 2013 4PM to 6PM Noble County Community Foundation, 1599 Lincolnway South, Ligonier


You must register for the workshops by calling the Noble County Community Foundation at 260-894-3335 or send us an email at all we need is your name, address, and phone number.
There will be a limited number of seats available, so call to register today.

More News

The Noble County Community Foundation, Inc. and its supporting organization Community Initiatives, Inc. recently awarded LEAP of Noble County’s New DAWN ENL Program a grant of $4,712 to assist with the cost of purchasing 8 computers for the Ligonier ENL program. LEAP offers adult ENL (English as a New Language) classes and EL Civics classes each Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30 pm-8:30 pm at the Education Center in Ligonier, IN. The Education Center is located right by West Noble Primary School at 500 W. Union St., Ligonier, IN 46767. Childcare is provided at no cost. Adults may register for classes any Tuesday or Thursday at the Education Center. All classes require a $20 annual
registration fee. For more information, please call Julia Gibbons, New DAWN Adult Ed. Coordinator, at 260-894-3830. Pictured accepting the gift is New DAWN Staff Angie Roth, Julia Shepherd Gibbons, Noble County Community Foundation board member Jolene Durham, Martha Hedges, Magda Smith, and Kaitlin Hedges.




The Noble County Community Foundation, Inc. and its supporting organization Community Initiatives, Inc. recently awarded Mad Anthonys Children’s Hope
House a grant of $1,605 to assist with the cost of providing Hope House services to Noble County families. Hope House is temporary housing for families whose child is receiving medical care at any Fort Wayne hospital. The Hope House provides temporary, minimal-cost lodging to the families along with food, comfort, hope, and emotional support. Pictured is Noble County Community Foundation board member Josh Munson and
accepting the gift is Cindy Atkinson Hope House Executive Director.








The Noble County Community Foundation, Inc. and its supporting organization Community Initiatives, Inc. recently awarded Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry a grant of $2,500 to assist with the cost processing donated large game
and livestock. The meat will then be donated to Noble County ministries/food pantries so they may distribute to needy families. Pictured is Linda Speakman Yerick NCCF Executive Director and accepting the gift is Debra Treesh Director of Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry.

NCCF Featured in Local Paper


Robert and Darlene Black Charitable Fund, held at the Noble County Community Foundation, was established for the purposes of providing funds annually for charitable organizations

exclusively in and around the Kendallville community. Pictured are the recipients of this charitable gift Kari Roberts and Ivory representing the Humane Shelter of Noble County and Dr. Doug Jansen board member of the Noble County Community Foundation presenting the gift of $2,146.66.

For more information, please contact the foundation.

Scholarship News

The Noble County Community Foundation recently awarded scholarships to area college students including Allison Thomas of LaOtto. Thomas was selected as the recipient of the Talia Joy Smith “Performing Arts” Scholarship. The applicant selected for the scholarship must write an essay explaining how and why they will be able to deal with and persevere through the inevitable challenges faced in a career in the performing arts. When accepting the award, Allison stated “I too have a passion for inspiring others through performing arts. Talia was someone I looked up to.” Allison is also the 2012 Founding president of the IPFW Show Choir Organization Program.

Talia was only 20 years old when her life was tragically taken when hit by a car while riding her bike on the beautiful summer day of August 18, 2010. The scholarship was established to carry on the legacy of Talia, who unfortunately will never fulfill her own lifetime dream as

a Broadway performer. Talia graduated from East noble High School in 2008 with honors as one of the top 10 in her class. She was a junior at New York University, majoring in Musical Theatre and Vocal Performance at Steinhardt School of Culture and Education. Each summer after graduation, Talia gave back to the community by working as Musical Director of the Gaslight children’s Theatre Workshop; the program that nurtured Talia’s love for Theatre.

Pictured are Talia’s parents, Brad and Mary Smith of LaOtto, who established the scholarship in her memory, and Thomas.

Other college scholarships were awarded to area Noble County students. Sydney Byerley of Kendallville was awarded the Paul Glass Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to a recipient who is pursuing a career in an agriculture related field. Byerley also received the Oliver and Eleanor

Ellenbecker Previous Award Winner Scholarship which is awarded to a student who previously won a scholarship administered by the community foundation. She is studying Animal Science at Purdue University.

Margaret Griffiths of Kendallville received the Oliver and Eleanor Ellenbecker Previous Award Winner Scholarship. Griffiths is currently studying pre-med at Butler University.

Carrie Scheiber of Kendallville was another recipient of the Oliver and Eleanor Ellenbecker Previous Award Winner Scholarship. She was also the winner of the Nathan Shumaker Memorial Scholarship which is for a student from Noble

County in the second or subsequent year of post-high-school education who received some or all of K-12 schooling through home school or a Christian school.

Shumaker of Kendallville was just 16 years old when he was killed in an automobile crash in 2005. He was a sophomore at East Noble High School at the time of his death and was involved in the East Noble Car Team.

Scheiber is studying Professional Baking at Sullivan University and Business Administration at Ivy Tech Community College.

Scholarships offered through the Noble County Community Foundation will be available at the community foundation’s website November 16, 2012.

News 1

Pictured is a portion of the books purchased with a recent grant from the Ruth N. Fitzpatrick Memorial Fund that was established at the Noble County Community Foundation by Ruth’s daughter and son-in-law, Kelli S. and G. Steven Burrill. The fund was established in 2008 to provide support to the Kendallville Public Library to purchase materials for the children’s collection. The library was able to fill holes in series, purchase new series and fulfill an amazing number of patron requests for specific books.

All the books are marked inside with a “book plate” indicating the purchase of the book was made possible by the Ruth N. Fitzpatrick Memorial Fund.The Ruth N. Fitzpatrick Memorial Fund welcomes additional gifts to continue Ruth’s legacy of providing materials to the children’s collection. Gifts to the Ruth N. Fitzpatrick Memorial Fund can be made payable to the Noble County Community Foundation, 1599 Lincolnway South,

Ligonier IN 46767 or call the community foundation at 260-894-3335.