Welcome Courtney!

Help us welcome Courtney!
Hello! My name is Courtney Roberts and I am excited to serve as the PULSE summer intern! It is great to return to the place that ignited my love for philanthropy. I am going into my junior year of college at Ball State University to become an English teacher. I currently study English Education and Creative Writing. During my time at Ball State, I’ve served as Vice President of Leadership for hall council, President of English Education Club, and I currently work as the Education Academic Peer Mentor during the school year. I love writing, coffee, and spending time outdoors! I’m very excited and grateful for the opportunity to serve my community in this capacity. I hope to return to Noble County as a teacher someday. I really feel that before you teach a community of kids, you really need to get to know the community and the community should know you. Although I’ve grown up here, I know our community is always changing. I am grateful for this opportunity and I feel that I am one step closer to achieving my teaching goals because of it!